Friday, March 12, 2010

day 3

I arrived in school dressed in red (camp tee), with a haversack on my bag and a sleeping bag slung across. climbed up 3 flights of stairs to 4th floor. met a few classmates before forcing jia xin to accompany me to the general office to take the KEY OF THE CLASSROOM!!!

unpacked and booking a storage space and sleeping area. did lamo nanzhong quan. then decorated our class flag with the theme for the tzuki bunny feeling really tired back then! we did treasure hunt afterwards, came in 2nd for our batch (1st batch). had delicious lunch then had mascot making and cheering competition. i seriously think that our class the cheer is the most creative one the lorh!

but anyway, we only won the mascot making competition ^^ good enough went to bath, was total chaos, seriously, some ppl took more than 5 minutes which was ridiculous and almost everybody including me washed my hair even though we were told try not to

had dinner and then watched on the visualizer as a class hana kimi japanese version
damn cool lor. then is lights out.

i really think life is wonderful

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